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Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Click Class"

Today, dana from CO (that's me) did something very special...

I drove to Denver to spend the day at the home of KH Photography and take her "Click Class".  It was one of those days that I'd like to repeat over and over and over again.  And NOT because I need to be re-taught everything I learned today...but because it was THAT much fun!  Ever have a day like that?

KH had a small army of women working for her in her kitchen today!  They made us "Click Class"-ers the most scrumptious breakfast, lunch and dessert!  I'm still licking my lips every now and then in hopes of finding some leftovers on the side of my mouth!  Today was such a nice mixture of food and learning!
(anybody detect any tungsten light in the above photo?)

Really?  Hmm...I might need some more convincing...

KH put together the most amazing fall ambiance! (KH, I think you should stick a photo of your tabletop idea on Pinterest and see how many hundreds of people pin it!)

The Photo Shoot!
After we'd had plenty of instruction time, we drove down the street for a photo shoot - complete with an old truck and a couple of cute kids as models.  These pictures are my favorites of the ones I took.  I got a lot of practice photographing with "back lighting", that's for sure!

Last but not least, our fearless leader, KH!  Loved her!
The only thing that bums me out about this adorable pic of her is that I cut off a very important detail of her outfit, but I think I've got it covered in the photo below.

Dear KH,
   I feel priviledged to have been a part of your class today...I LOVED it!  You and your beautiful photography are an inspiration to me.  I hope our paths cross again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Dana - it looks like you had a great time at the photo workshop - - a mini-vacation with a purpose, right? I love the photos you took and know you had such a good day - reminds me of my days at Lorraine's workshops with lunch by her husband!
