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Sunday, June 12, 2011

how i came up with my header

I am on a quest to learn the art of photography (among other things).  I began this quest really only a little over a month ago.  I've always enjoyed taking pictures and scrapbooking, but until taking a photography class last month, I had never exited the world of Auto Mode on my camera.  I'm proud to say that I've barely touched Auto Mode since.  And this is exciting for me!  There is one photograph in particular that I have been pretty psyched about - one showing my twin 6-year-old girls smiling perfectly and wearing their matching white cowgirl hats.  When I first set eyes on my photo, out of nowhere I exclaimed, "It's so simple!  They look like little pieces of fruit!"  I know what you are thinking...c.o.r.n.y....but that's the truth about how I came up with my header:

simple like fruit

Here are some more photos taken on the same day, at the same place!


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